How to Enter the Makerspace Lottery

1) Read our Community Agreements, located below.

2) Fill out the “Makerspace Sign-Up” form at the bottom of this page any time between now and Friday, May 3rd at 11am. If you have multiple children you wish to enter, please fill out a separate form for each child. Please note that each child attending Makerspace must be accompanied by a separate adult caregiver.

3) If we have more sign-ups than spots available, we will enter everyone into a lottery drawing on Friday, May 3rd. You will receive an email after the lottery with an update on your child’s registration status.


Our Community Agreements:

  • I agree to protect myself, the community, and the venue. I agree to guide and co-regulate my child toward this end.

    I agree that this is a “brave space,” where all forms of discrimination are respectfully but firmly challenged. There is no place in our community for unchecked racism, ableism, classism, neurodiscrimination, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, or any other “ism.” I agree to be open to feedback and dialogue on these topics and to support my child’s development in this area.

    I will not ask anyone to give eye contact, as this can be physically painful for some autistic people.

    I will not ask anyone to “mask” (suppress autistic traits), as masking contributes to anxiety, depression, and suicide in autistic people.

    I agree to respect others’ privacy by not disclosing the participation of other children/families with those outside Makerspace without their explicit permission.

    I agree to only bring kid-safe, easy clean-up, “dry” art materials (no Exacto blades or carving knifes, Elmer’s glue, paint, markers, clay, etc.) in order to protect the community and the venue. If in doubt, ask Danielle.

    I agree to reinforce with my child any specific boundaries set by the facilitators and any posted rules at the event.

    I agree to allow all children free, consistent, unconditional, and easy access to their personal regulation tools without judgement.

    I agree to follow CDC safety protocols with regard to COVID-19 and to stay home if any of my family members are sick. Masks are optional but welcomed; use your personal discretion.

    I agree that Under Wing Therapeutic Services PLLC (Danielle Maxonight, LCSW) is NOT liable for any injury or illness incurred, physically or psychologically, to myself or my child, during orientation or the Makerspace event.

  • I agree that at least one adult caregiver who has reviewed the online orientation will watch over and guide my child at all times during Makerspace; this is not a drop-off situation.

    I agree to allow my child to take breaks 1:1 with me to decompress as needed. I will not leave my child unsupervised when they are shutting down, melting down, upset, or overstimulated.

    I agree to follow the “traffic light” social badge system, described in the online orientation, to respect each participant’s boundaries and to reduce social and emotional stress.

    I agree to only use personal electronic devices (including caregiver use of cell phones) outside of the main community event space, to preserve it as a “screen-free zone.” AAC devices are allowed and encouraged everywhere.

  • When our community agrees to have “no hurts” and to “stick together,” we WILL have fun! Fun is essential to our children's health and happiness!


Makerspace Sign-Up